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A Bit About Me

Hi there! My name is Joseph Walser. I am a History Education major that attended Appalachian State University. I was born to two teachers. My father was a history teacher and my mother was a special education teacher. History has always been something that has piqued my interest. Whether it was a Ken Burns documentary or a movie about a historical event I was always hooked. As I grew up my admiration for history only grew as I visited historical places such as Gettysburg and our nation's capital. I was given an opportunity at a very young age to witness these important places. 

For many people teaching is just a job they have but for me, it's a family tradition. With almost everyone in my family being teachers education has always had an important role in my life. I have watched my family act selflessly for years to change students' lives. I want to continue that tradition of impacting kids' lives in a way that sets them up for success. 

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